Do you meditate?

Do you meditate?

Benefits of meditation

It has long been accepted that meditating benefits us as individuals. There are proven physical benefits such as reducing blood pressure, better immunity even promotion of the healing response – and the list goes on.

Proven mental benefits such as relieving anxiety, better sleep, stress management, better emotional wellbeing. A sense of clarity and stability.

Group meditation

Group meditation adds power to those individual benefits – often in group meditations we are able to access a deeper level of calm. Perhaps because as a group we know we’re there to meditate – the intention is set, the time put aside and distractions are temporarily put to one side. In addition, it is known that – In every wisdom tradition meditation hasn’t just been a way to seek inner knowledge – it has the potential to transform the world.

We are all connected and one – studies prove the existence of a ripple effect of peace in the surrounding area when aa group meditate together. A handful of people strongly unifies by common intent can profoundly influence a larger group of people.

Sounds great – but perhaps a quick question –

What is meditation?

Meditation is simply a state of altered awareness and focused attention. A state of altered consciousness, if you like. There seems to be so many ‘types’ of meditation – what’s it all about?

And if we consider, as an analogy, the state of meditation like entering a still body of water – there are many pathways to enter that water. Mindfulness, focus on the breath, breath ratios, focus on an object, use of mantra, use of sounds – to name a few.

Does it matter which way you enter the pool? – not really; when you explore meditation you will find your preferred pathways.

The state of meditation does not mind which way you approach it,


Changing the world

Wouldn’t it be fabulous if we could be part of that greater movement to uplift the collective vibration and break through the ever-present cloud of nonsense we see descending daily?

When we meditate, we touch our own inner light – that sense of knowing who we really are. Perhaps at the start of your meditation you could light a candle as a way of invigorating your personal inner light. In focusing on your inner light, you are reconnecting with yourself for the benefit of yourself, those you love, those in your community and the world as a whole. In meditating you are part of the bigger movement to change the world.

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