We’ve been featured in the media over the years – here are some of the stories!

chat and spin

On the radio talking my yoga journey and my plans to live a long and healthy life. CLICK HERE – and select TUESDAY 21st JULY 2020 – my bit starts at 2:15:00





At Bulkhackers they interview fitness heroes. They ask them to share their stories and how they improved themselves inside and outside the gym, how they started out, how they train, how they eat and much more.

The stories they share at Bulkhackers  provide great, specific hacks for improving your training, your fitness and your health. When you read the interviews, you learn directly from the best people from all over the world.

The stories are also super inspiring, so you can get a good motivational kick out of reading them!

I was delighted to be interviewed by Bulkhackers in April 2020 when they approached me earlier this year – For my story CLICK HERE


Keep sharing with john taylor

Here’s a podcast in did in March 2020 with John Taylor of Keep Sharing. He says –

“Delighted to interview Amanda Cartner about her journey into Yoga. Amanda shares with us how she is dealing with the current situation and how people can stay active.”
Here’s the LINK

coping with getting older in High Life North

In this four part series, published in April 2020, Helen Bowman speaks to specialists about how to cope with ageing. In this interview I’m taking about how exercise can help mange the ageing process. To go to the article CLICK HERE







yoga and biohacking with I’m Loving Yoga

Inner Strength Yoga, Amanda CartnerIn which I shared with online magazine ‘I’m Loving Yoga’ the three main pillars of biohacking, how this relates to yoga and how they can help us live longer healthier lives. To go the the article CLICK HERE




all about inner strength yoga with yhhshow

In this podcast from September 2019 we talk about my yoga journey and how yoga has impacted my life. To listen it’s podcast number 026 HERE