Figure eight

Figure eight

The figure eight flow features in most of the classes I teach. What is the significance and why do I teach the figure eight?

What is the figure eight flow?

Quite simply, we place the hands in front of the body – around the solar plexus (between the belly button and base of the ribs) – about 6 inches apart and palms facing each other. Keeping the palms, the same distance apart we paint a figure eight in the air space around the body. Then we do it again. And again – in fact we simply paint and endless number of figure eights in the space around the body. High, low, close, far away, to the sides, to the back – wherever we feel the need to move. The figure eight and the infinity symbol are one and the same – and endless, infinite number of figure eights in the space around.

Physical significance of the figure eight movement

In painting those figure eights, the feet being comfortably wide apart, the legs being relaxed and the feet not glued to the floor – the spine gets to move freely. All the muscles and fascia are in flow. The movement is effortless and free.

Effect on the energy around the body of the figure eight movement

We are more than our physical body. Around the physical body lies our energy field. As we paint those figure eights around our physical body, we are moving the hands through the energy field around the body. You can perhaps visualise that between the hands you are holding a ball of light with which you are cleansing that energy field. You can perhaps visualise that between the hands you are carrying a ball filled with love and that you are filling your energy field with love. You can perhaps visualise the light between your hands leaves a trail and that trail you leave behind as the light passes around forms a layer of protection between your energy and that in your environment.

No matter what your intention, you are right. Such is the power of our mind and body connection. You are magnificent and this simple figure eight flow is powerful.

The significance of figure eights in medicine

In ancient medicine the significance of the figure of eight relates to the energy within and around our body. The flow of this energy – or energies – is said to move in a figure of eight. Ancient systems of medicine describe large amounts of such energic flows in our space – both inside and around our physical form. Techniques for balancing and correcting imbalances in these flows abound in many philosophies.

Daily figure eight movements

In practicing the simple figure eight movements we are actively and intentionally balancing our physical and energetic bodies. In many ways it doesn’t really matter how deeply you understand the science – more that you do the practice and allow the magic to happen in and around you.

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