Letting go

Letting go

Have you ever had someone say to you ‘let it go’ – be that in connection with someone walking out of your life, a grudge towards someone or maybe a past hurt?

That ‘letting go’ always seem like a good idea – but in fact can be much easier said than done. I’m going to look at why it might seem hard – and the consequences of letting go, not letting go as well as some suggestions ‘how to’ let go..

Why is it so hard?

In this lifetime we come across many challenges. How we navigate those challenges has a direct bearing on how we live our lives – where we are, our personality and our health. The challenges we face have a direct impact on how we see the world and we use those as a measure of our personal truths. Even though sometimes we know that our journey may have thrown some unpleasant curveballs we still hold onto those events as truths. Perhaps they give us a sense of being – we have become grounded in our own truth. Perhaps though, if you look at those beliefs you could address them from a different perspective?

Holding on or letting go?

A sense of freedom can be achieved by letting go of past hurts. The damage has been done emotionally and needs not to continue to do so. Holding onto those hurts and allowing them to continue to influence your future is damaging only one person. You. Letting go of past hurts leaves space for a wonderful sense of freedom in your life.

Emotional pain, if harboured for a long time, can become embedded in the physical body. Sayings such as ‘a pain in the neck’ or ‘carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders’ embody this message. That emotional pain can become a physical pain. Leaving that pain unresolved is said to allow the physical pain to bury itself deeper in the body. Discomfort and dis-ease working its way into disease within the organs of the body.

How to let go

Unless we learn from the past the lessons of life are lost. So perhaps acknowledging them for what they are (lessons) and learning from them is the place to start. Those voices in your head that tell you you’re not good enough, you’ll end up dried up and wrinkly if you don’t do this or that? Do they enter your head – why? Who said them? In what context? Is that actually relevant to your life now or as you would like it to be?

Realising there is an issue and how it affects you is the first step to letting it go.

Learning the lesson is essential. Give it some attention and realise how it affects you.

Spend time with yourself and notice where in the body you feel discomfort when you think about the emotion or event that has caused so much dis-ease.

Energy Block Release Sequences

Dru yoga is built around a series of sequences designed to release that physical and emotional discomfort on every level. Gently easing out discomfort in the physical body and clearing the path for emotional release. Flowing, directed movements combined with breathwork are the cornerstone of Dru. How to let go? Try Dru yoga.

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