What is Freedom?

What is freedom?

Freedom – We talk about, we march for it, stand for it and demand it, perhaps we aspire to it – maybe we feel like we have it?

Are we ever totally free?

What is freedom?

It’s up to you to find your way, to build your life, to learn, to create, to exchange, to grow, to heal, to love. The responsibility for all of it starts and ends with you.

Freedom is complete self-responsibility. It’s having the courage to know, that no matter what, you are going to go your own way: do your own thing, walk your own path.


Do you want to be free?

Deep down, many people do not really wish to be free. Freedom can be a scary place, after all. Perhaps we have become accustomed to being told what to do and how to do it and when. Perhaps that sense of responsibility and social of family compliance is comfortable. Perhaps so comfortable that we have actually fallen into our own prison? We follow the rules, take the steps, do what is expected and enjoy the lifestyle.

Perhaps we say we want to be free but we are ties to the system that has fed us… maybe that system has actually enslaved us?

Endings and New Beginnings

Taking the step towards freedom can be inconvenient, messy and chaotic. It requires discipline, responsibility, courage, will and faith in oneself. Divorce? Career change? Those points in our life that feel like the end but are actually new beginnings? Those are gifts that can lead to freedom if we allow them to be.


For many those life changes can feel like a shock – for others they are chosen: a feeling that we can’t carry on any longer on this path that has taken us this far. A risk we have to take – like jumping off a cliff and trusting that all will be well anyway.

The Spiritual Path to Freedom

For many the way forward includes dipping into our own spirituality – yoga, meditation or another spiritual practice?

What is Freedom?

Freedom – we may not know right now exactly what it is, because we have never truly experienced it, but somehow when we close our eyes, we can sense it within us, we are driven to seek it, to own it, to claim it and to experience it.


Do you have what it takes to be free?

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