Morning Routine

Morning Routine

It is said in Ayurveda that your lifespan and (more importantly) your healthspan are a result of your daily habits. In Ayurveda we talk about Dinacharya – the importance of having a daily routine which keeps you vibrant. It’s interesting, isn’t it, that those ancient principles are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. Perhaps the physiology of the human body has changed little over time.

Daily habits create health

Those daily habits include what we eat, when we eat, how much exercise we get, when we exercise, quality and timing of sleep, supplements we take as well as those personal care routines such as toothbrushing and the use of therapies such as massage.

It is not my intention to cover all of these in this blog – to cover all of those would indeed be overambitious. Here I am going to suggest a morning routine and invite you to join me, if that would be of benefit to you.

Before you start morning!

When and how you wake up will depend on when you go to sleep – and how well you sleep. I prefer to sleep with the blinds open and to begin to wake as the sun rises. Not that I get up when the sun rises in the summer; but as we approach spring and autumn, when the day and nigh is of more equal length, to wake and rise with the sun does give a good start to the day.

Morning Routine

First thing would be to boil the kettle and prepare a cup of warm water laced with lemon – and a second cup to follow. Hydration after a night’s sleep will perk up the metabolism and wake up the brain!

I am committed to being online at 8am Monday to Friday to lead a mindful movement Dru Yoga session. This session will be about 20 – 25 minutes long and will gently awaken the body. Flowing movements with a few gentle stretches to lubricate the joints of the spine and limbs – some uplifting and refreshing deep breaths to lift the spirit – and some friendly faces to brighten the start to my day.

On With Your Day

I’m left feeling ready to start my day and head off to the gym for some high intensity Crossfit. My regular group say they feel ‘energised’, ‘uplifted’ and say they have had less back pain with this regular, short practice.

After the practice you can simply get on with your day, or if you fancy I have a few deep relaxations recorded and you could complement the movement with a relaxation. Your choice.

If you’d like to be part of this morning routine please let me know by using this contact page.

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