Listen to Your Body

Listen to Your Body

Your body is the most amazing space. Keeping the attention purely in the physical – that part of us that is made up of skin, bones, muscles, blood – all those anatomical parts is one place to start this conversation. When it works well the human body is capable of so much. From the physiological functions which keep up alive to the intricate patterns this body can perform. The body wants to be well – to be in a state of health. It is our responsibility, as the inhabitant of this body, to allow that state of health to manifest. What is you don’t feel so well? Is the first port of call a paracetamol or a trip to the doctor for a pharmaceutical solution?

Mind Body connection

The  state of being human, of course, is that we are more than the physical form – we are the thoughts we have, the emotions we experience, the memories our experiences imprint on us. Because we are complex beings we find that those experiences, emotions (love, elation, joy for example) and thoughts do have an impact on the body – in the same way that bodily experiences (physical trauma, for example) have an impact on our mental state. The mind-body connection is not a one-way street. When the mind is out of balance the body will demonstrate imbalances. Then the body is out of balance there is likely to be an impact on the mental health.

Listen earlier

How is it that we manifest those unpleasant signs of ageing that lead us down the path of requiring medication or surgery? Why is it that hip or knee surgery is almost the norm? Perhaps looking back from that vantage point we could identify that the signs were there far earlier – and maybe we could have taken steps to take remedial action then and actually prevented the need for corrective/modifying surgery in our later years?

Dru Yoga Energy Block Release Sequences

Dru Yoga is the sort of yoga which focuses the mind on how the body is feeling and can be a wonderful tool to identify those physical irregularities (is the balance equal on both sides? Is the hip or knee feeling glitchy?). The Energy Block Releases sequences which  unique to Dru Yoga release those physical glitches in yoga – by working through them we can bring about an emotional response.

Listen to Your Body

The key is to listen to your body. Every glitch, every creak – they all mean something. The body is the most amazing space. Listen to your body – prevention is better than cure.

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