Change starts with you

Change starts with you

When all around there is fear, inconsistency and that feeling of a lack of control in your life the big question is ‘What can I do’.

The ‘what’ may seem, at first, a big ask – how can I, as an individual, change al that is going on around me? Where do I start and will my actions make any difference at all? But I shall aim to shine some light on this in a moment.

The ‘I’ may encounter into a similar set of blocks. ‘Who am I to take on these concerns? What difference can I make. I shall aim to shine some light on this also in a moment.

First things first

When you are filled with fear it is vital to remember that fear is very disempowering. Fear will invoke a stress response in the body. When the fear is immediate and of short duration the body’s response is to raise the heart rate and breath rate – that ‘fight or flight’ response. If the fear is of a longer duration the fear becomes an emotion we live with as a long-term feeling within the body – perhaps it even sits somewhere? That ongoing stress sitting within can lead to physiological un-ease over time. Fear must be addressed and allowed to disembark from the body rather than being allowed to hang about.

In Dru we use flowing physical movements combined with breathwork to invite those stressful, blocked feelings to flow away. We invite the space left by fear to be filled with love by the use of positive messages.

Change happens one person at a time

You are the only person you can really change. Self-awareness means becoming totally aware of the workings of your body and mind. Taking the steps through breathwork, mindfulness and meditation, for example, to step within and realise that you are in fact more powerful than you may currently imagine. When you are self-aware there is inner strength and conviction that goes beyond preserving ego and the need to ‘be right’: there is a light which shines and perhaps light the way for others to follow.

Change starts with you

Be kind to yourself. When all around there is fear, inconsistency and that feeling of a lack of control in your life nothing can change around you until you change how you are prepared to see the world. Yoga and meditation are an excellent way to gently create the changes that can start – and grow – in you.


One person cannot change the world on their own – but once you are willing to make the changes within yourself you can join others and create a bigger sense of positivity and change. Synergy means the coming together of individual elements to create an overall effect bigger than the sum of the individual parts. Find others with the same sense of inner light and a light brighter than the sum of the individual lights can truly create change.

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