Being Grounded

Being Grounded

It’s a phrase you’ll hear often – the power of grounding. Of being connected, stable, secure, safe. That feeling of knowing where your roots are. Like a tree – those deep roots connected to the Earth.

You go outside, feet on the Earth – be it grass, bare earth or sand. You breathe the fresh air – and you feel safe. You are grounded. At least for a while.

Staying grounded in a world of busyness takes more effort. So much stuff going on around us – pulling thoughts all over the place. Our brains are full of the what-ifs and the what-on-earths. How to stay centred (and is that the same as grounded?).

How does Dru yoga help?

Many of Dru’s sequences and postures are based around becoming and staying grounded. The Earth sequence and Earth Breathing (Prithvi Dharanam) are great example of this.  We recommend you try an outside practice where possible – the woods, your back yard or the beach, for example. Look for a Dru teacher in your area if you’re not in Whitley Bay (if you are in Whitley Bay then check out my classes here).

Is being grounded the same as being centred?

Being grounded and being centred are not the same. Being grounded infers a sense of stability. Of connection to Earth and the element of earth itself. Being centred infers a sense of stability at a different level – of connection to a deeper sense of self and inner knowing: of having all aspects of the self-aligned, as it were. Dru also brings the attention to this quality of centring through many of the sequences we teach. The Dru Energy Block Release 8 (The Radiant Heart) is a great example of this.

When you are centred you are acting from your heart. You are listening to your inner wisdom and allowing your inner strength to guide you. It would probably be fair to say you can’t be too centred.

Can you be too grounded?

Can you be too grounded? – Perhaps implying too stuck. A feeling of fear and being unable to move for whatever reason: a job you feel trapped in but don’t feel you can take the risk on your income? a relationship you feel stuck in which may offer financial security but no satisfaction on any other level?

Moving on

Could a Dru Yoga practice be your sanctuary and unlock the inner strength to allow you to break free? – I think yes.

Perhaps it’s worth considering that you are not a tree – and that if you’re not happy where you are you can, indeed move.


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