Dreaming a better life – Dru Yoga and Meditation If you consider life as you experience it is a direct…
Alchemy and Yoga What is Alchemy – and what has it to do with yoga? The medieval definition or alchemy…
Keeping Healthy with Dru Yoga A healthy mind and body is vital – and even more so nowadays as we…
Exam Stress Exams are stressful no matter what age you are – and if you’re a parent, just as stressful…
What is freedom? Freedom – We talk about, we march for it, stand for it and demand it, perhaps we…
Who Are You Really? What makes you You? – is it your body, mind, thoughts, actions – Who actually are…
Focusing on your Purpose What has focusing on your purpose to do with yoga? Why does it matter? Having a…
Embodying Success in 2022 How was 2021 for you? Without exception I’m going to imagine that every one of us…
Cold Moon The December Full Moon is named the Cold Moon; named after December’s cold, long nights and alternatively known…
Joy – Live Now It seems to me that you get to a point in life when you realise that…