Biohacking with Protandim

BIOHACKING with Protandim


Biohacking is essentially the practice of changing our chemistry and our physiology through science and self-experimentation to energize and enhance the body. It’s a broad definition, but that’s also because the idea of “biohacking” is constantly evolving.

It’s about self-improvement, resilience and living well.

It can be as simple as making lifestyle changes – or as extreme as using implant technology.

In this blog I’m going to talk about one simple addition to my routine. A natural product I’ve been using for the last 4 years.


Protandim NRF2 – what is it?

Protandim is a synergistic blend of 5 herbs – each shown to reduce oxidative stress on their own – but together in this blend and proprotions, scientifically proven (with published medical papers to back the claims) proven to reduce oxidative stress by an average of 40% in 30 days.


Protandim – why do I take it?

  1. Oxidative stress doesn’t go away. It only gets worse with age. It damages your mitochondria & causes protein and DNA damage to all cells, leading to mutations, and is at the very centre of more than 300 disease processes.
  2. When I take Protandim NRF2, I’m reducing my oxidative stress 40% during the first month.
    Nothing else – foods, supplements, or drugs – has been shown to do this.
  3. Oxidative Stress is a main cause of Disease.
  4. It only costs £45 a month (far cheaper than all that food!) to protect my cells from excessive harmful free radicals, which lead to disease and cellular aging.
  5. 300% increase in the body’s intracellular Glutathione – the mother of all antioxidants and the anti-aging and recovery “SuperHero” – as well as significant increases in my production of two other antioxidant enzymes: catalase and SOD.
  6. Deep, restful sleep without DRUGS!
  7. This one, once-a-day gene activator makes the entire $45 billion direct antioxidant industry essentially obsolete. It’s the difference between taking “synthetic” 1:1 antioxidants and your body being activated to make its own 1:1,000,000 antioxidant enzymes.
  8. 7 U.S. patents and 5 international patents.
    So far, 47 university studies have been completed on this BRANDED pill (not the ingredients), and 23 of those studies have completed the peer-review process and are published on’s fairly unheard of for a branded natural product.
  9. The National Institute on Aging- proved in a multi-year study that it extends LIFEspan in mammals–no other NON-drug compound has that distinction.
  10. Aids recovery from High Intensity workouts (crossfit)

Look out for future blogs with more ideas to Biohack your body – but in the meantime check out here for more info on this amazing product

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