Yoga and humanity at the Crossroads

Yoga and humanity at the Crossroads

Before we accept that humanity is at a crossroads – perhaps we should consider what is humanity? Humanity can be considered as the way we view our life – are we autonomous beings with the ability to choose our own path; or are we subject entirely to fate?

These views can be summarised as follows;-

1 Life is a series of predictable events and experiences. The formula for life provides a monotonous and ultimately controllable life.

2 Life is an unfolding mastery of experiences whereby creativity and innovation lead to progression.

Humanity is at a crossroads and it is within our personal and collective power to choose our way forward.

Why yoga?

When you yoga you allow yourself to slow down – to work with your body and breath – to allow yourself to notice how it feels – the body, the breath, its effect on the mind. You allow your mind to slow down – to be in the moment. Perhaps the yoga becomes a kind of meditation in motion – perhaps you are able to entertain the notion that if you are able to feel this way by using the breath that your emotions can be enhanced by doing so with purpose – whenever you choose.

Perhaps by entering the mindset where there is a connection between the body and the mind you could affect the body and what surrounds your physical space by deliberately allowing that calm mindset – perhaps you are drawn towards meditating regularly?

Body wisdom

The body has great wisdom and we should allow ourselves the luxury of listening to our body. When you yoga you learn to listen. Follow the breath as it permeates the body as you move. Notice and blocks to flow, notice and irregularities in movement, notice differences between left and right as you move. Allow the breath to be whole, relaxed, complete – never forced, never impeded.

Gut feeling

They say the gut is our second brain – another seat of wisdom. When you yoga you become more in touch with that gut feeling – ignore it at your peril. Have you ever done something despite that inner ‘gut feeling’ that you shouldn’t?

Lead from the heart

They say you should act from the heart – allow your actions to come from a place of love. Not fear, not somebody else’s suggestion – your own heart. Trust yourself. Yoga teaches you to be in touch with your inner wisdom. Act from your heart.

The role of yoga in this modern space when our brain is under constant bombardment from external sources is to be in touch with a deeper wisdom. The wisdom installed in our body. That wisdom can become dulled, overridden by external programming. It is super important right now to trust yourself.

Humanity at the Crossroads – your choice?

We are at the fork of the road – the crossroads where we must make a decision. Allow yourself to slow down – yoga is an excellent tool for this.

Do you err towards a society where your path through life is subject to ever-increasing control – or one where you are able to express your creativity and choose freely?






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