Dru yoga and Crossfit
I love Crossfit – it’s no secret. I workout 5 or 6 days a week and for the last 2 years have finished in the top 100 worldwide for my age group in the Crossfit Open.
The attributes required for Crossfit are strength, stamina, power, good range of movement, focus and mindset – along with good nutrition and self care. Many focus on the power and strength aspects and pay lip service to the need to relax and work on range of movement.
I’m also a yoga teacher.
Why Dru Yoga
I didn’t want my yoga to be another workout – I needed it primarily to be kind to my body. Having tried all sorts of yoga in the past, when I decided to train as a teacher I chose to do Dru yoga rather than a power yoga style for the following reasons:
I enjoy the flowing movements which physically allow my body to move in ways that Crossfit doesn’t.
It was only when I embarked on the course that I came to appreciate many of the other benefits of Dru yoga for the Crossfit addict. Benefits that go beyond the stretching and movements found in mobility workouts – these being:
- Focus on the breath – getting into the body and taking time to focus on what can be left in the realms of automatic function has been a revelation.
- Gentle stretches – rarely going to a maximum stretch and allowing the body to gently ease into a position.
- Taking time to be in the body – slow down, listen to the body and allow it to relax – to heal in its own way.
- Relax – to a level I never could before. Slow down. Switch off.
- Spirituality – can mean different things to different people, and yoga can help unlock deeper aspects of you if you are ready and willing to allow that. Go into yoga with an open mind – you never know what you might find.
- Dru yoga allows you to be centred so that you can be more productive in other parts of your life – your chosen sport, in the office and in your relationships.
Why Dru yoga and Crossfit?
So why do Dru yoga along with your Crossfit? – you’re working hard in Crossfit, you don’t need another workout in your slow-down. I want my fitness to be for a lifetime – and that’s the crux of why I do Dru Yoga alongside my Crossfit.