Carpe Diem
As the sun rose over the horizon this morning – a new day, a new week, a new month – it struck me again how fast time goes by. Do we spend too long being the observer of time rather than the observer of ourselves. How can Dru yoga help us make more of our time?
It is too easy to wish away the hours, the days and even the years – only to achieve little and look back some time later wondering what happened to your life. Perhaps now is a good time to reset our mindset and live right here, right now. Carpe Diem seize the moment. Be here now.
Carpe Diem seize the moment. Be here now.
Our busy mind takes us back and forth through time – into the past to drag up passed hurts, passed thoughts and passed fears; then taking these emotions and layering them onto our possible futures. The past has gone, we must learn from it and not continue to carry now irrelevant emotions. The future has yet to happen arguably is best dealt with as it unfolds rather than from an outdated perspective.
The present is called the present for a reason – the present is a gift. All we have. Right here right now. Carpe Diem.
The Present
I’m guessing you’ve heard all this many times. Perhaps you’ve been untying the shackles of the past for many years. Perhaps you’re all too aware that your thoughts drive your emotions and those emotions seem to attract that on which your focus is fixed?
It seems to me that we are best to embrace this present. Stop waiting for ‘a better time’ as that better time may never come – there is likely to always be something that seems less than perfect is we are always waiting for a perfect day.
Dru Yoga
In yoga and meditation we take our focus inwards – to our body, our breath and our thoughts and emotions. We become the observer of our busy mind and aim to still those often disempowering patterns of self-doubt and fear. Dru yoga is often described as a meditation in movement – we move mindfully and in flow with our breath. All absorbing and peaceful. We take our attention inwards and inhabit – at least for a short while – that space between the past and the future.
Carpe Diem
As the time around us seems to gather pace, perhaps now is a good time to investigate how a Dru yoga practice can bring you back here. Carpe Diem.