In January 2020 I started a blog – not just yoga. It’s about random stuff: stuff that happens, thoughts and observations. Here’s the link to the site – My2020story
LAtest blogs
Everyone is tired
Whatever the cause we need to focus on raising our energy. Get out in nature, breathe, eat freshly prepared foods filled with vitality, fill your hearts and minds with positive vibes, meditate. There are options – let’s do this! For more go here.
How to cook
Well – how to cook some simple meals for the times this kitchen slave is away. For more go here.
Ice cream
I’m retired. I live near the sea – and there are lots of ice creams. Nothing gives me more joy than sitting with a freshly served ice cream by the beach. Simple pleasures that mean the world. For more go here.
Why ARE You Here?
What has brought you Here? – to this point in your life? – and so many other questions! – Why Are You Here? For more go here.
For the last 18 months it feels like all we have seen on The News is a constant conversation about ‘the numbers’ and various themes of division. Whatever happened to having an opinion? For more go here.
No smoke without fire
There are many sides to this story – generally though, I’ve found there to be ‘no smoke without fire’. For more go here.
Sitting on the fence
It’s OK not to be certain about stuff, it’s OK to look at things from all angles – and it’s OK to take your time. Sitting on the fence whilst the situation unfolds is a good option. For more go here.
Lead by Example
How and what you choose affects how your children choose – and this matters. For more go here.
Retiring – it’s not just an extended holiday. /for more go here.
Home or Away
It’s impossible to compare the beaches of the North East with beaches nearer the Equator. For more go here.
Be here now
Planning for the future is all very well – it’s good to have direction, dreams and a plan. But when all said and done, the present is where life happens. Be here Now – it’s the only way. For more go here.
Left or right?
It is said that we are either right brain or left brain dominant – this means that either the right or the left side of our brain generally overrides the other in our day to day decision making. For more go here.
Yesterday for the first time ever I saw a news article about dentists feeling under pressure. For more go here.
Social pressure
The minority remain isolated until eventually, one by one, the are drawn by social pressure to fit in with the majority. For more go here.
Stranded- with intent
Today myself and 6 yoga students became stranded – with intent to practice yoga in peace and quiet on St Mary’s Island near Whitley Bay. For more go here.
Back in the Studio
Lights, camera, action – Yoga for a Healthy Back Take 1. Back in the studio! For more go here.
The importance of being me
…. And why it’s important for you to be you. For more go here.
A weekend of crossfit
This weekend saw the Age Group Online Qualifiers for the Crossfit Open series. The top 10% athletes in each of the age categories were invited to take part in this stage of the competition. It’s my aim to qualify for this every year whilst I’m in this age group (55 – 59). For more go here.
Zoom Comfortable
In under 2 weeks I have in-person yoga classes planned. I’ve done no advertising and no prep other than to write it in my diary. 2 weeks will come around too quick – that Zoom-comfort needs a bit of a shuffle.. For more go here.
The Best Meditation
Meditation is simply that still point – where there is no noise between the spaces. For more go here.
Best Coffee ever
I opened an email today which offered advice on making the best cup of coffee of your life – right in your own kitchen. Well who wouldn’t want to know this – perhaps I’ve been doing it wrong all this time and my lovely morning coffee could be even better? For more go here.
Today I received my invite to partake in the Age Group Online Qualifiers (AGOQ) – the second stage of the Crossfit Open where eligibility is as a result of finishing in the top 10% worldwide in your age group. For more go here.
Ideas come in waves
Have you ever had a great idea – one of those ideas that could change the world – inspired, different, fun, creative..? For more go here.
An early start
One of those days when the birds start singing as dark turns into not-quite-so-dark. For more go here.
Stress comes in many different formats. Is reducing the impact of stress on the body something that interests you? For more go here.
Vera’s on my beach!
Well – not exactly my beach, to be fair – but if you follow my social media you’ll definitely recognise the rock I often sit on! For more go here.
Self care is essential
Fill you soul with laughter and fun. Breathe, relax. Self care is essential. For more go here.
End of an era
The end of an era for me as the owner of this car. And with all good endings, there’s room for new beginnings. Life is a journey. For more go here.
Teens – ugh
Parenting teens is not for the fainthearted. Give me strength – when will this be over? For more go here.
Quieter beaches
As the shops, salons, gyms and beer gardens reopened yesterday I took a drive around to assess how the crowds were handling the change.. For more go here.
Gym Buddies
Today the gyms reopened. The opportunity to workout at a venue seeing people you normally see in they gym. Actual people. For more go here.
Risk vs benefit
There is always a personal risk vs benefit consideration to be made – and that consideration is your responsibility. You are not average and your health is not a game of roulette. For more go here.
Why NO?
I’m often asked – as is the conversation of the day – have I had ‘my’ vaccine yet? Do what is right for you. For me it’s a No. For more go here.
In the open
For Crossfit people ‘The Open’ is a chance to pit your fitness against others worldwide. This is week 3. For more go here.
The coughing man
The coughing man needed not say any more. His fear was palpable – stay away oh infected runner his actions screamed. What are we coming to? For more go here.
Hidden gems

Living now
The past has gone – it’s lessons learned. The future is yet to come – it will be what it is. The present is all we have. For more go here.
The ageing athlete
I’ve been reading a few blogs, social media posts and direct emails lately about the subject of the effect of ageing on the body – with particular reference to those who exercise (who we will loosely call athletes). For more go here.
Feels like summer
Isn’t it amazing how much better you feel when the weather warms up and the evenings are a little lighter! For more go here.
Stranded – in real life
For the last year my yoga classes have streamed from home. We have, for the most part, been stranded in our own homes. In May I’m hosting my first Yoga event in Whitley Bay! For more go here.
Celebrate Life
Our time in this life journey is limited. One day, for each of us, our time will be up. The time to live is now. For more go here.
All Crossfitters will have written about this, I’m sure. 21.1. For more go here.
Letting Go
‘Letting go’ of things that in the past have caused harm to you – be that damage caused by a love affair that ended badly or a grudge held if someone has done wrong against you – it’s easier said than done. For more go here.
Biohacking – the art and science of using the body and mind for optimal life- and health-span. An art as old as the hills or the most recent up-to-date science? For more go here.
Crossfit Open
The Crossfit Open is a worldwide online competition to find the fittest in the world. Today I signed up. So for the next 5 weeks – starting on Friday – expect fitness talk!! For more go here.
Gut feeling
Have you ever had a ‘gut feeling’ about something – perhaps something that you can’t quite explain verbally or even logically. For more go here.
Informed Consent
As a previous dental practitioner the subject of informed consent increased in importance over the past decade in particular. This concept on informed consent is embedded in law around the world. Is implied consent enough? For more go here.
Intolerance Rules
Driving back from (I’d love to say the gym) the shop this morning I passed a man on a bike. Should he have been told to get on the cycle lane? For more go here.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment. For more go here.
There are some topics about which we must agree to disagree. What is right for one is not necessarily right for another. For more go here.
Over the worst?
Could we be over the worst – or is this yet another calm before another storm? As the Prime Minister reveals his roadmap towards a new beginning, how are we all feeling? For more go here.
A REal person
How often do we pick up the phone to deal with a big company – and how often so we get to speak to a real person? For more go here.
Home School Shaming
Every time I see a news program they focus on a family doing great at home schooling. Great work for those home schooling heroes – but please – many of us just aren’t that good. For more go here.
My body, My decision
Every day every single one of us makes decisions which directly affects our health. We’ll call those lifestyle choices. Remember folk – my body, my decision. For more go here.
Motivation is easier when it’s a joint effort. For more go here.
Having not seen the teenager before midday from the beginning of January, I took a chance this morning and woke him before 8am. For more go here.
Home-schooling the teenager
Home-schooling for the teenager – is neither fun nor productive. For more go here.
The Struggle is real
Almost everyone I know is feeling the effects this week – of short daylight hours, miserable weather but mostly of being cut off from their regular activities. I need to get out. The struggle is real. For more go here.
Mojo Dip
Talked myself into a trip to the beach where the icy cold wind and waves blew a few of the cobwebs away – but not enough to restore my mojo. For more go here.
Whilst the Sun Shines
My mantra is very much to ‘make hay whilst the sun shines’ – live for today – do it whilst you can. Walk on the beach whilst the sun shines. For more go here.
February Reset
It strikes me that maybe February would be a good time to start the New Year. Feels like a great time to pass the reset button. Who’s with me? For more go here.
Roll on Spring
With the sun shining this morning I’m feeling somewhat brighter and even hopeful that spring could be on the way. For more go here.
Kitchen workouts
Kitchen workouts require creativity and a friend or 2 on zoom. Can’t wait to get back to the gym!! For more go here.
Family Zoom
Are we all still family zooming? Family quizzing? Digital family gatherings? For more go here.
Fresh Air
It’s too easy to look outside and decide you’re too busy – or it’s too cold – and avoid going out. For more go here.
Gravity Yoga
Gravity Yoga – another string to my bow – is a systematic approach to stretching. A system to increase neuromuscular health, flexibility and movement . For more go here.
Zoom Workouts
How do you stay focused and committed to your workout routine? It’s all very well to sign up to online services – but possibly too easy to ‘skip today’ : after all, who would notice? For more go here.
Blue Monday
‘Blue Monday’ – caught between the excitement and sparkly lights of Christmas and the longer days of spring. For more go here.
12 Rules of Life?
12 simple truths that may not cover every eventuality in the exact terms in which they are written – but with a little reflection can help solve many of life’s dilemmas. For more go here.
Winter sunrise
There’s something special about watching the sun peep over the horizon – big, red and full of promise. A winter sunrise is one of the joys of living on the east coast. For more go here.
Decisions, decisions
In my garage I have a lovely little car – it’s a 1994 Suzuki Cappuccino. Do I sell now or wait for spring? For more go here.
Breathing Coach
In December I did a 2 week online course with Yogabody. At the end of the course there was on online exam and 3 videos of techniques taught had to be submitted. For more go here.
Cooking with love
Cooking with Love – if it’s good enough to make to share, it’s good enough to make just for me. For more go here.
Lockdown 3.0
Anger, frustration, confusion – lethargy, despair, sorrow – and most likely a whole range of other emotions. How did you respond to the news yesterday that in England it’s back to Lockdown. For more go here.
A SLow Start

Year ends with a Full Moon
A most auspicious end to 2020 as the year concludes with a full moon hanging in the sky. For more go here.
What next?
Whatever the next thing may be my plan is to close the doors and focus on restoring me – recharge the batteries, take a deep breath and prepare to stay strong for those around me. Self care is essential. For more go here.
Panic buying
Total chaos. In a world of plenty everyone has gone crazy. For more go here.
Last New Moon 2020

Random conversations
One of my favourite afternoons out is to meet a friend and go for a walk. Random conversations are the best. For more go here.
Why yoga?
People come to yoga for so many reasons. I thought I’d summarise the benefits here – it would be interesting to see why most people start their adventure into the world of yoga though. For more go here.
Ready to shop
I’d love to see some interesting looks where people express their personality whilst dressed for the awful trip to the supermarket. – Any takers? For more go here.
Behind the Scenes
All of my classes are online at the moment. From my shiny, tidy kitchen of my super calming lounge. For more go here.
There’s a bit shift lately, I’ve noticed, to focus on this thing called ‘breathwork’. I signed up for a breathwork course. For more go here.
Still used regularly, but at 26 years old and of an age when it needs the tlc that can only come from a car enthusiast with mechanical skills – I’m ready to let my Cappuccino go. For more go here.
The gift
In every situation, good or bad, there is a lesson to be learned. We’ll call that lesson The Gift. For more go here.
Another first – today I tried reflexology for the first time ever. Why have I not done this before?! For more go here
Apple Crumble
Got to love it when your relatives have apple trees and they deliver their excess produce to you. For more go here.
December already
This year has gone super-fast. It doesn’t seem five minutes since all this lockdown stuff began – how can it be December already? For more go here.
Slow down
For a retired person I’ve been spending a lot of time doing stuff – I can fill my days and end up feeling like I’ve done nothing! I’ve decided to slow down. For more go here.
Tier 3
Tier 3 – so no yoga classes in-person, because that would be bad, right? For more go here.
what’s your why?
How many times have you been asked that? – Why do you do what you do? – What motivates you to go to work or behave in a certain way? For more go here.
Freshly Baked Bread
One of the joys of this year – and there have been several – is a renewed love of baking. There is nothing like a freshly baked loaf to fill your morning with joy. For more go here.
Meditation Weekend 2
Part 2 of the Meditation course – and this time the focus moved from body awareness the the breath. For more go here.
Officially retired
With the passing of another birthday I decided to switch on my pension – I guess that makes me officially retired. For more go here.
Prevention is better than cure
This body that we travel with for the duration of our journey in this lifetime. Why be so negligent as to allow it to slip into disrepair before you pay attention to its needs? For more go here
Birthday weekend
Saturday was my birthday. Lockdown style. For more go here.
Outdoors yoga
The sun’s out – and without a long to-do list today (well, other than a bit of painting of the teenager’s room and some general domestic-ing) it’d be rude not to, right? For more go here
Catching sunrise
The days are shorter and the sun rises at an almost civilised hour. I was awake at 7, the sky to the ease was a fabulous shade of red – and it seemed like a shame not to make the effort. For more go here.
This morning the sun was shining and I decided it would be a fabulous day to go to the beach. Photoshoot – for more go here
Lockdown – the beginning
And so it began. Last Thursday the UK went into Lockdown 2.0. For more go here
Last day..
Yesterday was the day of lasts – the last day in a Crossfit class for a few weeks, the last in-person yoga class for a while. A day of mixed emotions for sure. For more go here
Meditation Aspirations
Today was the first of the tutorials running alongside the year long Mediation course I’ve embarked on – personal development leading to teacher training. For more go here
Positive vibes only
You do indeed become the sum of those closest to you – but when one of those influences is the constant TV news with its never ending splurge of negative content, the average becomes not pretty. For more go here
Daylight saving
Getting up with the sun instead of having the clock tell you when to rise feels far more ‘in tune’ and makes a lot of sense to me. Time to slow down and enjoy the journey? For more go here
Admin day
How has retirement ended up this way? For more go here
Morning Routine
Inspired by the Miracle Morning ‘SAVERS’ routine and Tony Robbins’ Prime routine, I think it’s about time I set a useful morning routine for myself. For more go here
4 days of Tony Robbins wisdom – live from his multiscreen studio to thousands worldwide. The even should have been in Birmingham – but as it was in happened right here in my kitchen. For more go here
Focus and energy
The simple truth is that energy goes where the focus goes. That’s the basis of all that is the mind:body connection and the Law of attraction – in fact it’s the secret to manifesting magic in your life. For more go here
Day one of this online Tony Robbins event. For more go here
Smile and the World smiles with you – an old saying. Yesterday I decided to try this one out. For more go here
Meditation mastery 
This weekend I embarked on a new journey – a year long course on the subject of Meditation Mastery. For more go here
18 months ago I signed up for a Level 4 Strength and Conditioning course. Now I’m qualified! For more go here
I’m feeling an overriding feeling of despair this morning. For the way things are going in our country, for our freedom and the health and wellbeing of our children. Oh dear. For more go here
In all my 56 years I have never had a manicure done. Now to look after them in all their glory – jewels, not tools – my new shiney nails. For more go here
What is our society coming to – a herd of muzzled beings. For what? When can we return to some common sense? For more go
the joy of lipstick
There’s a well known correlation between lipstick sales and economic downturn – buying small luxuries is demonstrated to help us ladies feel better when other things around us aren’t going so well. For more go here
Coming off the meds (part 9)

A Rainy Saturday
All those jobs I’ve been saving for a rainy day can at last be tackled. Got to love a rainy day, right? For more go here GDPR
GDPR – what was the actual point? For more go here
Autumn sunshine

sent home
Yesterday I had a text from school – the text that said ‘your child has been sent home’. Wish me luck! For mor go here

A point of balance
Autumn equinox – when the earth is aligned with the sun so that each part of the earth recieves an equal amount of daylight. What could go wrong as a take the yoga to the beach for sunrise? For more go here
Better late than never
I planted seeds on March – whilst there was still frost on the ground. Tiny plants grew. Eventually they bloomed – better late than never. For more go here
Stranded – maybe
In just over a week I’m due to be hosting my Autumn Stranded event at St Mary’s Lighthouse. Will it take place? Too close to call at this stage! For more go here
Mic fail
Instead of an in-person assessment for my Strength and Conditioning Level 4 certificate I opted to submit a video of me coaching. For more go here
A new curve to learn
Today – my first simutaneous live class with students in the same space – and zoom students at home. Slightly different teaching required – but hey, nothing like a learning curve to ride! For more go here
It’s so dreary up North
The North is far from dreary – but sshhh … don’t tell everyone.. For more go here
The long game
Do you want to live to be 100? After all why prolong life unless you’ve enjoyed every bit to the max. For more go here
Real life dance classes return
After many months of not being able to attend actual classes, this week Dance City re-opened its doors and classes for our 55+ performance company resumed. For more go here
The rule of 6
Now I’m getting angry. Very angry. Who makes these rules up? For more go here
back to school
Yesterday the teenager went back to school – for now.. For more go here
A visit to the dentist
Less than a month into lockdown a bit of my tooth fell off – a small filling that had been replaced a couple of times. For more go here
Sea Kayaking
As anyone who knows me will readily verify that me and boats make unlikely companions.. For more go here
Health vs Wealth
Why do you do what you do? – Once you reach a certain level of comfort in your lifestyle what motivates you? For more go here
Zoom or real life?
It’s a question I’ve been asking the students I’ve been teaching both recently via zoom – ad to those who never joined me on zoom but were students pre-lockdown. For more go here
Green stuff
This year has been a year of garden experimenting. Like knitting – it’s a skill that’s been sidelined for the last 30 plus years. For more go here
Behind the mask
I hate wearing masks. I feel it takes something major away from our sense of identity. For more go here
The teenager comes to crossfit
Finally basketball is back on – so the teenager can get to training – although it’s only once a week. So he decided to also try crossfit – he loved it – result!! For more go here
Long purple hair
When is it not OK the have long hair? IMHO – it’s OK to have long hair whenever you choose to. And it’s also OK to be grey – or purple. For more go here
Coming off the meds (part 8)
So I thought about this – despite being pretty cross with the way the Dr spoke to me I considered my position. 100mcg it is for a while. Let’s give it a few weeks and get restested… For more go here
Revisiting and old skill
Knitting. I used to knit like it was going out of fashion – maybe it was! For more go here
feeling inspired
Do you ever get those days when you feel totally inspired? For more go here
missing 8am class
I’m missing teaching my 8am class. So next Monday I’ll be back online at 8am – no charges, I’ll post the link Sunday on my Facebook page on Sunday. For more go here
staycation 2020
Staycation – no problem – love where I live. For more go here
coming off the meds (part 7)
Blood results today via a call with my GP. That went well – not .. For more go here
What if they forget me?
It struck me yesterday that I was feeling somewhat drained. As soon as I left in-person teaching back in March I went straight online. For more go here
In need of a holiday
From Monday I’m ‘on holiday’ – we’ll call it a Staycation. And why not?! For more go here
gym or pub?
Yesterday three was some whispers that gyms might re-close. Pubs would remain open. For more go here
a beach in Northumberland
I’ve been to this beach many times – sun, wind – summer, winter. Even in the height of the summer holidays you can expect to find emptiness. Not yesterday .. For more go here
bite sized yoga for beginners
Since this madness started back in March I’ve been in front of the camera every weekday morning at 8am. It dawned on me recently that what I do could be trasnferred into a logical course. For more go here
the second wave
There’s a rumour going around that the UK is about to be hit be a ‘second wave’ of CV19. Me? – I’m choosing to ride my own wave and I’m starting with my personal inner strength. For more go here
coming off the meds (part 6)
Its’ been a long, slow journey – but so far I’d come down from 175mcg to 50mcg of the Levothyroxine I’d been taking for 21 years. Part 6 – in which the Dr tells me off… For more go here
I need you to come now
That phone call that every parent just loves to receive from their young adult.. For more go here
the mask issue
From tomorrow it’s all different – wear a mask to go most places but not all – I’m getting more and more confused with thrules and the logic here. For more go here
thoughts are like waves
I’m not saying you should ride every wave – but rather you do get to choose which wave you ride. For more go here
inside out or outside in?
How do you address your health, wellbeing and beauty – from the outside in – or the inside out? For more go here
6 weeks school holiday
Here we are at the start of the 6 weeks school holiday. How will that affect life until September? For more go here
5 years ago
Today’s image popped up on my Google pictures app on the phone – a picture of a typical day. Do I miss it? – not enough that I’d ever want to go back there. I like my life now so much better!! For more go here
on the radio – again

be the change
It’s true, I think, that your reality reflects your expectations. Where you are in life reflects you beliefs. OK – new day, new dawn – Be the Change – let’s see how it goes… For more go here
an argument over nothing
A battle of wills – and an argument. Teenagers – I’d rather not, thank you. For more go here
rushing back to normal?
No rush here. Not because I have some fear about ‘the virus’ – more because I’ve discovered that I actually quite like not rushing about from one thing to another. For more go here
coming off the meds (part 5)
A few months ago I took the plunge and decided to try to reduce the amount of thyroxine medication I was taking. I recognise it’s not a path recommended by the doctors, but I’m listening to my body – the journey continues.. For more go here
flat and heavy
Anyone tried making sourdough bread? How can something so apparently simple go so wrong?! For more go here
On the radio
Today was the day my radio piece was delivered on Radio Northumberland. I asked my partner did I sound a bit crazy? – not really, he said. Maybe a bit ‘Hippy Chick’ .. For more go here
Be Positive
So many people prepared to have a rant to let off steam. But if you want to: spread a little love. Change starts with you. Be positive. For more go here
lost? Let yoga light the way
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately – about my journey – what brought me here: And now – I’m ready to shine my light, For more go here
getting into coaching
18 months ago I signed up for a Level 4 course in Strength and Conditioning. I’m finally getting around to working through the course!! For more go here
price hike
When lockdown started I decided straight away to get online – yoga on Zoom. The time has come to review the pricing.. For more go here
beach yoga
Despite days of crazy winds and sporadic rain, this afternoon managed to be dry, calm and bright. Beach yoga – Bliss. For more go here
it’s a kind of magic
What is the definition of magic? Yoga – it’s a kind of magic. For more go here
a walk on the wild side
It’s good to get out in the fresh air and stretch the legs – and this walk was just about as wild as life can get in these (almost but not quite) lockdown times. For more go here
radio interview
Today I did radio interview with Keith Newman of Highlights PR for his radio show on radio Norhtumberland. The idea was to talk about the business – what it’s about, who it serves and what the customer can expect. For more go here
TMJ pain
Today I recorded a series of videos for my ‘The art of Ageing your way’ Facebook group. The subject is jaw pain. For more go here
yoga outside
Taking to the great outdoors to ‘do yoga’ is a total joy. The possibilities are many – let’s not be boring! Who’d like to join me? For more go here
New moon – new energy
This weekend saw the summer solstice as well as a New Moon. New moon – new energy. It’s clearly a thing! For more go here
coming off the meds (part 4)
I’ve been consulting a kinaesiologist to take me through this journey – my hope is to reduce my dose of thyroid medications from the 175mcg to zero – over a period of time. Down to 50mcg and counting… for more go here
daily, consistent effort
Daily, consistent effort is required to maintain fitness. It’s been tough to keep up the effort as the weeks have dragged on! For more go here
an accidental lie-in
Every weekday morning for over 12 weeks I’ve been getting in front of the camera and deliviering a zoom yoga session. Today the alarm either failed to go off or we both slept through it – only to wake too late! For more go here
what is inner strength yoga?
I was asked – Why did you call your business what you did? Why Inner Strength Yoga? This is the story. For more go here
rain stops play
Although it was lovely and sunny for the last few weeks, this week has been horrid. But for today, rain stops play. Put the kettle on.. For more go here
coming off the meds (part 3)
I’ve been taking LevoThyroxine for over 21 years. This week is my third week at 75mcg – less than half of the original dose. For more go here
getting the word out
There are so many options when it comes to technology – Podcasts, Website, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok – no doubt a million more. For more go here
To podcast or not to podcast?
Last week I did a Podcast challenge – but my question remains – who listens to podcasts? For more go here
30 today
30 today – my lovely daughter. For more go here
mission – complete the course
Mission for the next 3 months – daily learning, application and complete this course!! For more go here
going all high-tech
Expand your social channels they said – increase your audience. So today I’m creating YouTube and Podcast channels! For more go here
unsure about yoga?
I’ve long thought that people may be put off trying yoga for an assortment of reasons – I wan to hear from real people about this subject! For more go here
mind:body connection
The mind:body connection is a 2 way process. For more go here
coming of the meds – part 2
I’ve been taking Levothyroxine for 21 years – since my son was born. This is part 2 or my journey to reduce my reliance on the meds. For more go here
FOMO and being time-poor
Despite my constantly reminding myself that I am good enough – I find myself with a Fear Of Missing Out. For more go here
Waste not..
Is it just me – or does everyone do this? For more go here
protecting you health
How does your daily routine protect your health? – the age-old saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ has never rang truer. Look out for my ‘protect your health’ challenge coming soon!! For more go here
the teenager goes out
The teenager left the house to meet a friend. – He can and should be outside in the fresh air moving his body and feeling some joy. He can and should be socialising (at a distance of course – and he does know this). For more go here
so many things to learn!
I’m on day 6 of a 7 day free course – and I feel like I’ve enough from that to get going. So that’s where I’m going to start – watch this space!! For more go here
Simple steps to a healthier, longer life
Do you want to live or just pass time? Today I’m introducing my passion – about uncovering and sharing the secrets of ageing slowly – very slowly. For more go here
my ideal client
Continuing the theme set over recent days where I have looked at my superpower in relation to what others see in me I have been considering who is my ideal client. For more go here
coming off the meds
I started taking thyroxine after having my third child – over 21 years ago. And now I’m finally taking the plunge to reduce the dose with the aim to come off the meds. For more go here
What’s your superpower?
I’m doing an online challenge by Tony Robbins and today’s question is ‘What is you Superpower?’ For more go here
a brave new world
Yesterday I signed up for an online challenge – so now I’m working towards the brave new world where I’m putting myself out there for the benefit of those who are ready to invest in their health my way. For more go here
a kind of magic
Yoga is a kind of magic. For more go here
This Sunday there are 5 of us getting together to offer a wellbeing event online. All 5 of us experienced in our field we aim to deliver an at-home event designed to reset and recharge. For more go here
will we ever know the truth?
As we prepare to come out of lockdown with the most unclear of roadmaps – which leaves a lot to interpretation and seems to make little sense to many individual situations I’m left wondering (as usual) how does any of this make sense? For more go here
a different perspective
Standing on the beach with the tide afar out and looking up towards the cafe – a new far-away perspective. It’s good to see things from a different angle! For more go here
a symbol of hope
The Whitley Bay stones – a symbol of hope. For more go here
deck of cards
If a workout was a deck of cards – you’d allocate a movement to each suit and go through the workout taking a card from the pack – that’s not how I want to live my life. For more go here
eye yoga
As an aesthetic practitioner I have to say that the most common complaint/area that ladies wanted fixing was the under eye area. For more go here
baking day
I wonder how many of us have dusted down our recipe books and revisited skills of old – it’s a good thing I do my daily crossfit workouts!! For more go here
Sometime last week I was approached by Bulkhackers bloggers for an interview – I am happy to report that today that interview has been published. For more go here
staying motivated
Being used to training in the Crossfit environment you are accustomed to working out with others – going through the same pain together and cheering each other on. Working out at home isn’t quite the same! For more go here
I hate running – it makes me sad. But in this time of isolation when I’m scarcely leaving the house and definitely not getting enough steps in I felt drawn to the idea.. For more go here
face yoga
After a lot of consideration I am today working on putting together a Face Yoga course. Watch this space for details – as well as my facebook groups. For more go here
my lifevantage story
My story and how I got involved with LifeVantage. For more go here
meditation in movement
Dru yoga is meditation in movement. Happy days. For more go here
This saxophone has been lying in my cupboard for more years than I care to mention. Lately I’m making a little progress with learning to play it! For more go here
purple tulips
It’s interesting, isn’t it, how you can miss stuff when you’re rushing around from one place to the next. Purple tulips – it’s great to have time to admire their charm. For more go here
broken mode
Lesson – don’t leave the car on the drive too long!! For more go here
a different life
This week – had I not chosen a different path – would have been my 33rd Wedding Anniversary. But the reality is, it isn’t! For more go here
letting go
As the moon passed it’s full stage last week we are in the waning moon phase – the bit where we ‘let go’ of things which no longer serve. Decluttering, if you will. For more go here
A bank holiday weekend throws us into confusion at the best of times, but with this one coming mid-lockdown I’m feeling even more confused! For more go here
part of the problem
It seems like some people are just always out to bend the rules – just a little – does it really matter? Let’s get this sorted please people! For more go here
what do you hope for?
What do you hope will come out of this anxiety- ridden period of lockdown? For more go here
recipe revisited
I’ve been getting a selection of fruit and veg from a local farm shop lately. Yesterday I dug deep into my 1980’s Cranks recipe book and revisited an old favourite. For more go here
enjoying the sunshine
Stop – slow down and smell the roses! I’m taking every moment as it comes and feeling content. For more go here
Botox detox
Those addicted to their regular toxin and filler top-up are also about to run into issues. Why not embrace the opportunity for a Botox detox – maybe you might even learn to love what you see. For more go here
4 years later
4 years ago this week I sold my dental practice. Dentistry is a stressful occupation – but I’m thinking this recent and current period must be the most stressful ever. For more go here
Lockdown continues and the steep techno-learning curve travels at a pace. Techno-stress is just the worst! For more go here
a dip
I have a lot to be grateful for and some habits I believe will help me through. But even so, today I did feel a bit of a dip. For more go here
self care – are we interested now?
There has never been a better time than now to look at your self care – self care is not selfish – it is essential. For more go here
no haircuts
It dawned on the teenager yesterday that he wouldn’t be able to get to a barber for the next 3 months. Small problems of life in lockdown. For more go here
zoomed out
As we approach the end of the first week of lockdown with businesses and services racing to go online – including my own services – I’m feeling totally ‘Zoomed out’. For more go here
crossfit at home
One of the things I love about Crossfit is the community – here’s hoping we can get back to the gym soon!! For more go here
settling in
Can you feel the change happening? The settling in period is noticable all around me, both in real life and in the world of social media. It’s time to find a new groove. For more go here
new moon, new paradigm
The new moon brings with it the opportunity for a fresh start – new beginnings and fresh intentions. What do you hope for? For more go here
So the first day of teaching from home using Zoom, the online conferencing app – after a bit of practice with family and friends: it can only get better! .For more go here
stranded – yoga at home
As we all enter self-isolation it seems now is the time to launch some classes online. Yoga and exercise will help us get through difficult times. For more go here
isolating on the move
In these crazy times we have been advised to stay away from other people – stay indoors. If you go outdoor then keep a distance of at least 2m. I can do that! For more go here
yoga commute
With so many of us now working from home is it a case of rolling out of bed and straight to the laptop. I’m offering a mindful yoga session to replace that commute. For more go here
wtf is happening?
Information, misinformation – truths and conspiracy theories – will we ever know the truth? In times of uncertainty such as we are experiencing, stay calm and in control of the things you can. Love and peace. For more go here
crossfit age group online qualifiers
This weekend I have spent all my energy and time doing the Age Group Online Qualifiers. Thank you to all who supported me during this time. You are all amazing! For more go here
moving out of fear
You are only in a position to help others if you can help yourself – your response to fear makes a difference to those around you. Stay positive, stay well and stay strong. For more go here
dentist visit
A trip to the dentist – and I’m happy to report that I felt totally safe – hand gel supplied at the practice and pretty much business as usual in this highly aware environment. For more go here
selfcare is not selfish
Selfcare is not selfish – it is essential. For more go here
stay positive
A positive outlook is key to a good life – are you a positive person with a sunny outlook? For more go here
bowel scope screening
Given that I consider myself to be in the very low risk group I’m wondering is it worth going for this screening. What would you do? For more go here
air pollution
Is it time we took a step back from the ever forward march of consumerism in favour of a more sustainable and healthier lifestyle? For more go here
all change in rome
Sitting in a cafe in Rome with my 21 year old daughter she suggested that maybe it was time to give up my crazy lifestyle and start enjoying life. For more go here
polluted air
Vaping – I just don’t get it – why go to all that bother to inhale polluted air? For more go here
peace and joy
I love spending time in beautiful spaces and this fabulous church hall is one of those. Here’s to many more yoga classes in this lovely location. For more go here
healthy eating vs nutrigenomics
Healthy eating is a must – nutrigenomics os a step beyond for increased healthspan. For more go here
7 tips for stress management
Stress from all sources affects the body at a cellular level resulting in early signs of ageing as well as leaving the body more susceptible to onset of disease. Don’t let your lifestyle destroy your life quality. For more go here
I’m a retired dentist, biohacker and yoga teacher – I aspire to inspire others to be the #bestversionofyou. For more go here
trying all the flavours
I set myself a challenge – to try all the flavours of ice cream in our local seafront shop – challenge accepted! For more go here
You are good enough
I believe in you .. For more go here
Walking with a ‘do I have to’ teenager can be rewarding – honest! For more go here
Location is great, time feels good – wish me luck! For more go here
Given that what your eat and drink is shown to affect your health and risks for disease, have you consciously made changes to your diet as you’ve got older? For more go here
Tea, cakes and dance – a good combination? For more go here
Live in the now – it’s the only way. For more go here
Biohacking is using science and technology to make changes in order to take control of, understand and optimise your biology. For more go here
Resistance training reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Do you lift? For more go here
The moon dictates the rhythm of the tides of the ocean, causing the water to ebb and flow to a predictable pattern. Does the same rhythm affect you? For more go here
As I prepare to deliver my first Yoga for Menopause event, I consider the inevitability if change. For more go here
14th birthday for my youngest.. and hoping for a smooth ride through the teenage years.. for more go here
You have this body for your journey in this lifetime. How do you look after it? for more go here
Is ‘ageing gracefully’ the opposite of ‘ageing disgracefully’ ? can you do both – or neither? for more go here