Welcome to our 6-week school course in Mindfulness


Mental health in teens is said to be at crisis point. In this 6 week course I offer techniques which will help participants to build confidence, think positively and learn to relax/unwind.

One of the many benefits of a mindfulness practice is the ability to better manage stress. In other words, to develop your own inner strength, or resilience.



What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is an alert, focused practice accessed by deliberately paying attention to thoughts or sensations without judgment allowing the mind to focus on the present moment.


Is mindfulness the same as meditation?

The words are often used interchangeably and whilst they are related they are not the same. Essentially, mindfulness and a quality whereas meditation is a practice. Meditation is the practice of training attention and awareness to a point of inner stillness. Mindfulness techniques may be used to this end and conversely, those with a regular meditation practice tend to live more mindfully. Mindfulness may be applied to many daily situations whereas meditation is usually practiced for a specific amount of time.




Stress levels


How the breath can affect how you feel

Sleep quality

Satisfaction with life in general


Family connections

Are you able to control your reaction to a challenging situation

Awareness of breath

How does practice make you feel Physically

Are you able to meet emotional challenges?

Builds emotional resilience



Mental health

Staying calm and focused in the face of adversity


Why I teach to teens

Stress causes disease. It eats away at your joy and leaves you feeling empty. 30 years in dentistry, 4 children and 2 divorces left me feeling this way.

My yoga practice and an extended period of study of both yoga and meditation have been my salvation. I have also learned that through teaching I am able to enrich my own journey and all around me have benefitted. I felt drawn to teach teens having been inspired by my current teenager.



What you will learn

What is mindfulness

The benefits of a mindfulness practice

How to relax the body and still the mind

The power of the breath

The power of gratitude

Everyday mindfulness

A suggested daily practice



For further details or to arrange a conversation please use the contact form here