Kinetic Chain Release
Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) seeks to unblock, harmonise and balance the physical body and its energies. Therefore, our goal is not simply to focus on correcting or compensating for your physical conditions and circumstances, but also to restore and enhance the free flow of the life force within you. It is a tool which should belong to everyone, and one day will.’ – Hugh Gilbert
Hugh Gilbert is the founder of KCR as a therapy.
What is KCR?
Kinetic Chain Release – or KCR is a system of mobilisations and stretches designed to correct leg length difference and return the body to a state of balance.
KCR is a total body treatment of medically and scientifically approved gentle mobilisations and stretches. If you live with chronic pain then KCR can be an effective and simple was to alleviate or even resolve that pain. Many people have reported an improvement after just one, or a short series of treatments, with regular maintenance sessions helping stop the tension building up again.
Stress builds up in the body – and can sit in the physical body for far longer than the cause of the original stress. Unless we mobilize the body – through yoga, stretching or a therapy such as KCR the stress can result in chronic aches or stiffness – eventually becoming part of the way we live. Long tern pain can head to deeper discoofrt-0 or dis-ease – within the body. If we think holistically, then the conclusion would be that seeking to create physical harmony in the ease of the body will have a positive impact on our ling term health.
KCR is a great therapy for those seeking to maintain health for the long term as well as for those ready to address current physical niggles.
Holistic Health and KCR
KCR balances the body so that whatever other physical exercise you may do will have a more powerful and long-lasting effect.
Kinetic Chain release, therefore, follows the same holistic ideology that yoga does – balance in the physical to assist overall balance in the whole body. Resolving energy blocks systematically for better long term as well as short term health.
To seek answers to any questions or to ask about booking – go here.