Keeping Healthy with Dru Yoga
A healthy mind and body is vital – and even more so nowadays as we are subject to an ever increasing assault on our physical and mental health. In this blog I shall look at the 3 pillars which actively impact health as well as some factors which have a negative consequence.
Lets start with the problem
Stress impacts the body in an assortment of ways – work related, family, expectations, relationships, the food we eat, the air we breathe, radiation form a number of sources – even the sounds we listen to. Stress, if not dealt with immediately, will build up in the body and leave a mark – ultimately the marks stress leaves behind will have a consequence: almost as if there is a limit to how much stress the body can handle before it begins to object.
The consequences can range from rapid ageing (hair and skin condition, for example), autoimmune diseases through to cancer. Here – avoiding the stressors will be the first option: prevention is better than cure.
Taking active steps to mitigate the impact of stress falls into 3 categories.
And in a little more detail with specific reference to the benefits of Dru Yoga –
Lifestyle Exercise (high and low impact). Dru yoga is based on flowing, mindful movement with direct benefit to the physical body; the Dru Yoga for a Healthy Back is a good example of this.
Sleep. A regular yoga practice calms the body and mind and will directly benefit sleep.
Get out in nature. The Dru Yoga focus on grounding, particularly out in nature has unparalleled benefits. Find a Dru Yoga class out of doors and experience it for yourself!
Environment You are what you eat. Avoiding junk food and focusing on healthy options – the ancient sister-science of yoga, ayurveda, gives excellent guidance for the best diet for your body type.
You are what you breathe. Fresh, clean air – such as that found in nature, and not that found in city centres.
You are what you listen to. Did you know that modern music is often played at 440Hz : shown to have a negative impact on health. You can play your relaxing tunes on a 432Hz player for better health. Try it.
Mindset Gratitude is a key practice. Life is a reflection of your attitude. Be grateful for what you have, and more will flow your way.
Meditation is shown to have may benefits, both mental and physical. Find a Dru Meditation teacher and key in to your inner wisdom. The flowing style of Dru Yoga is often described as meditation in motion – so double benefits there!
Get in touch
A Dru Yoga practice can keep your health intentions on the right path. Contact me for more details.